Self-Publishing is a $1.25B industry. Authors take home less than half of that amount. And are subjected to unfair terms & conditions.

We exist to change that.

book open on a flat yellow surface

Since 2021, self-published authors have generated over a billion dollars in sales per year, while taking home less than a fair share of those dollars. Exploitation stories don't end there. There's the one about digital returns... Which, they’ve admittedly updated, but eBooks are the only digital items that the behemoth allows. But there’s also that in order to gain the highest return on publication, self-publishers must contract their right to sell elsewhere away… And even though there are now “limits” on the number of books posted per day on that one site… AI is something we’re a bit concerned about. Not just for generated material. But also for plagiarism. We are sure there are many more ways self-publishing writers are being exploited. And are committed to doing something about it…

We believe the time has come for creators - writers, digital cover designers, editors, and small presses to join together with readers to build a community marketplace that we own. When we own, we set the terms for how we are paid. We determine if and how works can be returned. We decide if we want to limit our ability to publish our works elsewhere. Our voices matter. It’s time we bring them together. We are building a cooperative enterprise that serves to move us away from exploitative corporations to community supported publishing.

Trunk of My Car is a nod to the indie authors who came before us. Pre-internet warriors. The ones who loaded up their cars and posted up outside grocery stores and shopping malls. Those who kept their sales revenue in their communities. We are because they were.

We are the ones we’ve been writing for.

The cooperative business model is one that is rooted in community. It’s where we, the people, come together for a common cause and work together to be a solution. Cooperatives exist in every industry. Retail stores, utilities, even restaurants and other services are applying this model that gives the people who use or operate it a say in how they do what they do. We believe that cooperatives are a step away from a capitalistic system that exploits and oppresses individuals, communities, and ultimately, the planet. Want to learn more about cooperatives? Check out this page the good folks at NCBA put together that breaks this business model down.

Why A Cooperative?

Seven Cooperative Principles - Voluntary & Open Membership; Democratic Member Control; Education Training & Information; Cooperation Among Cooperatives; Members' Economic Participation; Concern for Community; Autonomy & Indpendence

What’s In It For We?

Trunk of My Car Coop Membership Means: Shared ownership of a business; Shared resources - access to workshops & knowledge base offerings; Democratic decision making: One person, One vote; Participation in community events - readings, book clubs...; A

Shared ownership. Democratic decision making. Collective support. When we move cooperatively, we exchange ‘me’ for ‘we.’ Trunk of My Car Cooperative is a Hawai`i registered multi-stakeholder platform cooperative owned by creators, consumers, and workers. We are not just a marketplace to sell books. We are building sustainable community. Working together to share knowledge, tools, craft, and space to make all of us better writers, readers, and humans. Sharing skill workshops, craft talks, knowledge based offerings, book clubs, and book swaps - whatever you, our member-owners want to share in community.

Cooperators welcome!

Meet the Team

  • Founder. Operations Lead.

    Trunk of My Car Cooperative is inspired by a conversation Zia had with a famous author who shared how he started selling books from the trunk of his car. An emerging writer, she is focused on healing intergenerational trauma & building/supporting solidarity & sustainable economies. Zia is certified in permaculture design, has a law degree from the University of Baltimore & is currently pursuing an MFA in Creative Nonfiction at Pacific University. Yes, she changed her name.

  • Founding Member. Tech Lead.

    Joanna is a reader, writer, and web developer from Northeast Ohio who believes cooperative ownership can help bring about a healthier world.